What can I do to keep my baby safe?


  • You are entitled to come off the on call rota once you are pregnant, but remember this time may not be counted towards training.
  • People need to decide what is best for their own circumstances and speak to other Doctors about their experiences.
  • Don’t struggle on because you feel you have to.
  • Sit down when you can.
  • Don’t lift.
  • Support stockings are great.
  • Have a supply of food/snacks with you and eat regularly
  • Avoid x-rays if possible. If you must be exposed, just use one jacket and make sure the sides are closed. The lead skirts and jackets may be more practical. Don’t wear two lead jackets. It’s not necessary and just gives you back ache. If you are concerned, all pregnant staff in contact with x-rays are entitled to a radiation monitoring badge from the x-ray department.
  • In theatre, Nitrous oxide and gaseous inductions: There is no evidence that exposure causes miscarriage but avoidance of them is an individual decision.
  • In ITU, avoid going near patients with nebulised prostacyclin and nitric oxide therapy.
  • It is recommended that Betadine is avoided in pregnancy as there is a possible risk of hypothyroidism in the foetus.